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Iris-T air defense systems and Leopard tanks: Germany reveals details of new military aid to Ukraine

Iris-T air defense systems and Leopard tanks: Germany reveals details of new military aid to Ukraine Photo: German Major General Christian Freuding (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The German government has announced the delivery of a new military aid package to Ukraine. It includes short- and medium-range Iris-T air defense systems and Leopard tanks, stated German Major General Christian Freuding.

According to him, Ukraine will receive two short- and medium-range air defense systems, Iris-T, by December 2024. Additionally, Ukraine will get 16 self-propelled artillery systems of two types and other weapons.

Germany plans to transfer to Ukraine:

  • Two IRIS-M air defense batteries and two IRIS-T SLS systems
  • 10 Gepard anti-aircraft systems
  • 12 PzH 2000 self-propelled howitzers and four Zuzana 2 self-propelled howitzers
  • RCH 155 self-propelled howitzer
  • About 30 Leopard 1A5 tanks
  • 400 MRAPs
  • Logistic transport (trucks, tankers, all-terrain vehicles, pickups)
  • Drones and anti-drone systems
  • MK 556 assault rifles
  • Medical supplies
  • A field hospital

Assistance from Germany

Germany is one of the leaders in providing military assistance to Ukraine.

It was previously reported that Germany announced the transfer of an additional Patriot air defense system to Ukraine. According to the German Defense Minister, Ukraine will receive a quarter of Germany’s Patriot reserves.

However, Berlin refuses to provide Ukraine with long-range Taurus missiles.

The last time Germany provided assistance to Ukraine was in early June of this year, which included IRIS-T air defense systems, HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems, and Leopard 1 tanks.