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Ireland plans to significantly reduce support for Ukrainians: Details

Ireland plans to significantly reduce support for Ukrainians: Details Ukrainian refugees in Ireland (Photo: Getty

In Ireland, there are plans to change the support program for Ukrainians. Free accommodation for newly arrived refugees may be limited to three months.

Additionally, the government is considering reducing social payments to Ukrainians, according to The Irish Examiner.

Free housing – only for three months

The Ministry of the Prime Minister of Ireland and the Ministry of Integration are working on a new program for refugees from Ukraine. It is noted that the relevant document will soon be submitted to the Cabinet.

A significant change will be the limited state-funded accommodation. After three months of staying in state housing, Ukrainians must look for rented apartments or options under the "housing proposal" scheme. The changes will only affect newcomers to the country.

A government source reported that the time limit for accommodation will bring Ireland's housing assistance in line with other EU countries. Specifically, in the Czech Republic, Ukrainian refugees are entitled to stay in state housing for a maximum of 150 days, in Poland – 120 days, after which they have to pay 50% of the cost, and after 180 days – 75%.

Ireland plans to significantly reduce support for Ukrainians: Details

Photo: Ukrainian refugees in a hotel in Killarney (

Social payments may also be reduced

The government is also expected to consider the issue of reducing social payments to Ukrainians, but not shortly. Currently, the country pays 220 euros per week for refugees from Ukraine.

As of October 5, income support payments were received by 40,995 adults. Additionally, support was provided to 20,414 children, and 197 applications for rent supplements were approved. Income reports indicate that 15,000 Ukrainians work in Ireland, mostly in the hospitality sector.

Documentation prepared for a recent Cabinet Committee on Ukraine indicates that Ireland's approach significantly differs from that of other EU countries with "significant state involvement and broad support, including income and accommodation." Officials believe the current approach is wrong, and a new aid model is needed.

Recently, changes to the rules for Ukrainians were already introduced in Ireland. Specifically, from October 9, the right to a seven-day absence (within 6 months) in a state-paid hotel was suspended. Those who leave the hotel for an extended period risk losing their place.

Nearly 97,000 Ukrainians have received shelter in Ireland, with over 73,000 provided state housing, costing 1.5 billion euros per year. Meanwhile, many Ukrainians continue to arrive in the country, up to 200 people per day.

Earlier, we reported that the Irish government had begun discussing reducing Ukrainian social support. The amount of assistance is being compared with similar payments in other European countries.

The Irish government will allocate an additional 1 billion euros to accommodate Ukrainian refugees. The state pays for housing for over 70,000 Ukrainians.