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Iran, via Hungary, warns Israel of its plans to strike

Iran, via Hungary, warns Israel of its plans to strike Photo: Israel Katz, Israeli Foreign Minister (Getty Images)

Iran has issued a warning to Israel about its intention to attack the country. Such a strike is meant to be a response to the elimination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, states Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz.

"Iran has informed us that it intends to attack Israel," the official noted.

He made this statement following a conversation with Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, who had previously held talks with Iran's acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri.

Katz stated that the world must demand that Iran be held accountable for any aggressive actions.

What preceded

Recently, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in a guest house in Tehran. According to Iran, he was eliminated by a missile strike, but Western media reports indicate a bomb explosion in the Hamas leader's room.

Following this event, Iran repeatedly threatened Israel with a strike. In response, the US decided to deploy additional combat aircraft to the Middle East.

According to the NYT, Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei previously ordered his military to strike Israel.

However, as the American news agency notes, the Iranian authorities do not want to target civilian objects in Israel.

For more details on the situation in the Middle East, see the RBC-Ukraine material.