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Russians shell Kherson and two villages in the evening and morning: At least 5 people injured

Russians shell Kherson and two villages in the evening and morning: At least 5 people injured Photo: Shelling of Kherson, Kyselivka and Olhivka villages by Russia on September 26 (

All last evening and morning of Tuesday, September 26, Russian troops shelled Kherson and the villages of Kyselivka and Olhivka, located in the Kherson and Beryslav districts. At least 5 injured people were confirmed, according to the Governor of Kherson Region Oleksandr Prokudin and Roman Mrochko, Head of Kherson City Council.

"Yesterday around 9 p.m. Kyselivka was hit. Four people were injured. Two men aged 28 and 64, and a 67-year-old woman received minor injuries. They were treated on-site," he said.

According to Prokudin, a 68-year-old woman was taken to hospital with medium-severity injuries.

Morning shelling of Kherson and the region

According to the Governor, at dawn, the invaders shelled Kyselivka again. One person was injured. The enemy also attacked Olhivka with aviation. The extent of damage is being assessed.

"Today at 05:00 a.m. the enemy attacked Olhivka with aircraft. Around 07:00 a.m. the Russian army shelled Kyselivka and Kherson. There are casualties," added Prokudin.

Updated. This morning the invading forces shelled the Korabelnyi sector of Kherson.

"Residential high-rise buildings and private houses were damaged as a result of the attack. Information about the victims is being verified!" - said Roman Mrochko, Head of Kherson City Council.

Shelling of Beryslav and Kherson

Russian troops dropped four bombs on Beryslav, Kherson region, on the morning of Monday, September 25. One of them struck the building of a housing office and one hit a residential building. Initially, it was reported that one person was killed and one was injured. Later, the regional prosecutor's office clarified that the shelling killed a man and injured three other people. The office warned that there may be people trapped under debris, and the shelling continues. Overall, the shelling of Beryslav killed three people and injured two.

In addition, yesterday Russian troops shelled Kherson using artillery. Specifically, a local grocery store was hit, and one person was injured.