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International Legion of Ukraine's Intelligence showcases combat operations in Sumy region

International Legion of Ukraine's Intelligence showcases combat operations in Sumy region Photo: The DIU showed the work of legionnaires in the Sumy sector (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Foreign legionnaires of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine attack the Russian troops in the Sumy sector. The International Legion of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine showed a video of their combat work.

The video shows the work of military intelligence legionnaires. The soldiers use FPV drones to attack the Russian forces.

The footage shows the successful defeat of the Russian invaders' positions.

Sumy region borders three regions of Russia at once - Bryansk, Kursk, and Belgorod.

In the Kursk region, fighting in the border area has been going on for three days. Russians claim that Ukrainian troops have allegedly broken through the border. The Ukrainian Defense Forces do not comment on the events in the Kursk region.

According to ISW analysts, Ukrainian forces have allegedly advanced 10 kilometers from the border, and even more advancement is reported online - up to 45 kilometers. It is also reported that two Russian defense lines and a stronghold were allegedly captured.

The town of Sudzha in Kursk region remains the main center of fighting. Russian so-called military commanders claim that Ukrainian troops could have almost completely taken the town, and the town has been evacuated.

Read more about what the goal of the breakthrough in the Kursk region could be in the RBC-Ukraine article.