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In Spain, unknown attacker injures children on soccer field: Victim reported

In Spain, unknown attacker injures children on soccer field: Victim reported In Spain, unknown attacker injures children on soccer field (photo: Getty Images)

In one of the towns in the Spanish province of Toledo, an unknown man wearing a mask and carrying a knife attacked children on a soccer field. A child died as a result of the incident, reports El Pais.

According to a government delegation in Castilla-La Mancha, 11-year-old Mateo died after a masked young man stabbed him with a sharp object while the child was playing on a soccer field in the city of Mosejón in Toledo.

According to preliminary data, Mateo was playing with other children at the city's soccer field, which is located on the outskirts of the city, next to dozens of single-family homes, when he was attacked by the masked aggressor.

After the attack, the attacker fled the scene.

According to the Civil Guard, the alleged perpetrator is a young man aged 16 to 17 who entered the premises wearing a hood and stabbed the minor several times.

Mateo was a well-known boy in Mosejon, a town of 5,000 inhabitants. His family runs one of the most popular bakeries in town.

His relatives fell down in front of the Sports Center after hearing the news.

The Mosejón City Council announced three days of official mourning. The President of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano Garcia-Page, said he was “shocked” by the incident and expressed his condolences to the family of the deceased boy.

A similar case recently occurred in Britain. RBC-Ukraine reported that at the end of last month, a brutal knife attack on a children's dance studio in the English city of Southport killed two children and injured nine others.