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In September, Russia killed the most civilians in Ukraine since 2024 - UN

In September, Russia killed the most civilians in Ukraine since 2024 - UN Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

In September of this year, Russia killed about 208 civilians in Ukraine. It was the month with the highest number of civilian casualties in 2024, according to the UN Monitoring Mission.

"At least 208 civilians were killed and 1,220 injured in Ukraine in September, making it the month with the highest number of civilian casualties (killed and injured) in 2024, continuing a trend of higher civilian casualties that started in July. Nine children were killed and 76 injured. Forty-six per cent of those killed were older than 60 years," the report says.

According to preliminary data, Russia injured 1,220 civilians in September. At the same time, the trend toward an increase in the number of civilian casualties was noticed by the monitoring in July.

The report also indicates that about 30 Russian attacks in September targeted infrastructure, 25 on the territory controlled by Ukraine and 5 on the territory occupied by Russia.

According to the UN, starting on October 6, Russia launched numerous attacks using rockets and barrage munitions. In particular, 14 civilians were killed and 28 injured in five recent attacks in the Odesa region.

Torture and executions of Ukrainians by Russians

Torture and executions of Ukrainians by the Russian military are frequent due to systematic violations of international law. According to Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin, up to 90% of Ukrainian prisoners are subjected to physical and mental torture. Recently, a video of the execution of a Ukrainian prisoner by the occupiers was released.

Ukrainian law enforcement officers are investigating 61 cases of executions of Ukrainian prisoners of war by Russian soldiers.

According to media reports, in September of this year, Russia suffered the largest losses at the front since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The data shows that the average loss per day exceeded a thousand soldiers.