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In Lithuania, paid education returns for Ukrainian students

In Lithuania, paid education returns for Ukrainian students Photo: Lithuania returns tuition fees for Ukrainian students (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Starting from September, the Lithuanian authorities will stop covering the tuition fees for Ukrainian students. The decision was made at the request of Ukraine, according to the Lithuanian Ministry of Education.

Students from Ukraine who have already enrolled in university will be able to complete their studies without paying tuition fees. However, starting from September, this option will not be available to new students.

The Ministry emphasized that all assistance to Ukrainians is provided according to Ukraine's needs, aiming to prevent a brain drain from the country.

"This is the wish of the Ukrainian side. Ukraine has higher education institutions, and at the moment, there is no need to transfer education to other places," the Ministry added.

Therefore from this year, Ukrainians who have completed secondary education and passed graduation exams in Lithuania will be subject to the same general rules as Lithuanian citizens.

Despite Lithuania's government decision, some higher education institutions have decided to continue fully or partially funding the education of Ukrainian students. These include:

  • Vilnius College
  • Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
  • Vytautas Magnus University

Earlier, it became known that Ukrainian students could travel abroad for education, including males, under specified conditions outlined by the Cabinet of Ministers.