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In Kursk region, Russia forms drone operator units from civilians

In Kursk region, Russia forms drone operator units from civilians Photo: In the Kursk region, Russia is forming drone operators' units from civilians (
Author: Daryna Vialko

In the Kursk region, the Russian military has begun using civilians to create drone operators' units. They are being urgently trained and formed into groups of attack drones to stop the movement of equipment, according to the ATESH guerrilla movement.

According to the ATESH agent, all those with experience in flying drones or training to become operators were urgently gathered and brought to hangars near the Khalino airfield, where the Boomerang FPV drone training center is located.

"The military form teams of two people: an operator and his assistant. The training time is up to 10 hours (since the process of flashing and soldering drones is skipped). After that, they form groups of attack UAVs to somehow stop the movement of equipment," ATESH said.

The situation in the Kursk region of Russia

On the morning of August 6, after the massive shelling of the town of Sudzha in the Kursk region of Russia, local authorities and Telegram channels reported the so-called "breach of the border by the Ukrainian Armed Forces."

The Russians claimed that Ukrainian troops had allegedly occupied several settlements in the region. Fighting continues there.

In addition, the evacuation of the local population is allegedly underway from other areas of the Kursk region.

Read more about what is happening in the Kursk region and where possible fighting is taking place in the material by RBC-Ukraine.

RBC-Ukraine also told about the important objects for Russia near the city of Sudzha.