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Iconic American film director announces incurable illness

Iconic American film director announces incurable illness David Lynch has announced an incurable lung disease (photo:

One of the most prominent figures in American independent cinema, David Lynch, creator of the series Twin Peaks, has reported a lung illness. This condition is complicating the director's breathing and significantly impacting his activity levels, reports The Independent.

What Lynch said about the illness

In a recent interview about his career and creative plans, David Lynch discussed his health condition, which, as he noted, affects his activity and work.

The 78-year-old Lynch revealed that he can no longer leave his home following a diagnosis of emphysema. According to David, the illness was triggered by his long-term smoking habit.

Lynch's lifelong addiction to nicotine now seems likely to come to an end.

Emphysema, the condition affecting the director, destroys the walls between the alveoli, the main functional units of the lungs. This results in the narrowing of air passages, making exhalation extremely difficult.

As a result, Lynch is confined to his home, whether he likes it or not, since he can only walk a short distance before he runs out of oxygen.

Additionally, Lynch expresses concern about contracting COVID-19 and thus avoids public events or crowded places. He mentioned that it would be very bad for him to fall ill, even with a common cold, given his condition.

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The renowned director discussed his serious health condition (photo:

This health situation imposes certain work restrictions - Lynch can only work remotely, without being present on set. However, David noted that he does not favor this format.

At the same time, Lynch shared his thoughts on the possibility of returning for a fourth season of Twin Peaks. The director briefly mentioned that he has learned never to say never.

He added, though, that if work on the series were to continue, it would be several more years before the next season could be completed, as it took four and a half years to write and film just the previous season.

It was previously reported that David Lynch is divorcing his wife.