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Hungary deems European initiatives on Ukraine 'wild and crazy'

Hungary deems European initiatives on Ukraine 'wild and crazy' Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto (

Hungary believes that the initiatives of European politicians to help Ukraine are becoming increasingly crazy, says Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto on Facebook.

"European politicians are coming up with more and more crazy and wild ideas: sending soldiers to Ukraine, shooting down Russian missiles over Ukraine, nuclear war, European infantry, what's next?" said the Hungarian Foreign Minister.

He also ironically suggested that at today's meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council, European politicians might propose another "wild idea."

Initiatives of European officials

A few months ago, French President Emmanuel Macron convened a summit of European leaders in Paris. One of the topics was the possible deployment of Western troops to Ukraine.

The French president has since repeatedly voiced that this idea cannot be ruled out. He also clarified that deploying French troops to Ukraine could take place if Russia decides to launch a new offensive against Kyiv or Odesa.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis called on Poland to shoot down Russian missiles that flew into Polish airspace during Russia's massive strikes on Ukraine.