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Hungary blocks EU fund for Ukrainian weapons again

Hungary blocks EU fund for Ukrainian weapons again Photo: EU High Representative Josep Borrell (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Hungary continues to block the next tranche of the European Peace Fund intended for military assistance to Ukraine, according to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.

According to Borrell, at a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council, the ministers discussed the need to strengthen support for Ukraine.

They also discussed the unblocking of the European Peace Fund, which compensates EU countries for military aid to Ukraine.

He said that the majority of member states insisted on the need to lift the blocking of payments that are delayed for a year. They also emphasized the need to move forward with a decision on a new fund to support Ukraine, which has been blocked by one member state for more than a year.

He noted that the EU member states insisted that this was unacceptable, but unfortunately, the situation of blockage persists.

Borrell did not name a specific country, but it is known that Hungary is the one that is vetoing the next tranche for Ukraine.

Back in May, EU High Representative Josep Borrell accused Hungary of blocking €5 billion in EU military aid to Ukraine.