How to recognize egocentric person and possible danger in relationships with them

Among the drawbacks that can significantly damage relationships, egocentrism is one of the most important. Recognizing an egocentric personality is very easy based on certain signs.
How egocentrics behave and why it is dangerous for relationships, according to Psychologies.
In an ideal world, everyone we meet would have only positive qualities. They would be altruistic, caring, attentive, honest, and even empathetic. Unfortunately, sometimes we have to deal with flaws that are difficult to understand, especially in the context of personal relationships.
Among the drawbacks that sometimes hinder the deepening of a connection is egocentrism. An egocentric personality is focused on their needs, their point of view, and their interests. To identify this, there are certain signs.
Characteristics of an egocentric person
"Egocentric people find it difficult to show empathy and compassion towards others and their points of view, and they are more focused on satisfying their own needs and desires," says marriage therapist Shane Birkel and family from MindBodyGreen.
While this type of personality may tempt and make a warm, open, and extroverted impression at first, it is through interaction and observation of certain behaviors that we can truly understand the personality. Here are behavior patterns that should alert you to egocentric individuals:
One-sided conversations: When you talk to an egocentric person, they tend to monopolize the conversation. When egocentrics are silent, they always try to redirect the conversation to themselves, asking a few questions and drawing parallels with their own experiences.
One-sided choice: Egocentric people want everything to be their way. Ultimately, the choice of a restaurant, movie, event, or place will always be theirs.
Need for attention: if it seems that the general attention is focused on another person, the egocentric will try to redirect it to themselves, either by interacting with that person or by saying something that overshadows others in terms of interest.
Lack of empathy: Since they consider only their point of view, feelings, and perception of things, egocentrics have difficulty understanding the perspective of the person they are in conflict with or disregarding the beliefs or opinions of others.
Lack of boundaries: Egocentrics do things their way and find it difficult to adhere to rules.
"This sense of entitlement leads egocentric people to often break the rules out of carelessness, arrogance, or lack of empathy, which prevents them from seeing how their behavior affects others," describes psychologist Emily Simonyan.
Competitive spirit: for an egocentric, everything can be a subject of competition. They will try to outdo or belittle you. They will be inclined to exaggerate your achievements or emphasize their successes when you talk about your difficulties.
False altruism: an egocentric person can disguise their egocentric side. They can find a phrase to comfort or congratulate you because they know that's what is expected of them. Having fulfilled their duty, they return to their egocentric behavior.
Earlier we wrote about six signs that indicate fake friendship.