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How China's export restrictions will affect drone situation in Ukraine: Military assessment

How China's export restrictions will affect drone situation in Ukraine: Military assessment Photo: Ukraine may face a crisis in drone production (Getty Images)

China has banned the export of certain goods and components for drones. This could lead to a crisis in Ukraine's production of FPV drones, states Sergeant Yehor Firsov of the 109th Battalion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in a comment to the RBC-Ukraine YouTube channel.

Starting from September 1, a ban on the export of goods and components for drones will come into effect, impacting their quantity and cost.

“There could be a crisis. This crisis might affect us, while our adversary might not experience such a crisis. But trust me, when it comes to FPV drones, almost all components are produced in Ukraine. Except for the not-so-high-quality engines and cameras, which can be purchased from other countries besides China,” explained Firsov.

The serviceman noted that there will be some challenges, but Ukraine is at a technological level where it might avoid a total crisis by making every effort to find components domestically.

“Flight controllers and control regulators are already made in Ukraine, even though two years ago this was considered a fantasy. I think there may be a minor crisis, but not a significant one. FPV drones might become a bit more expensive, but the situation with drones will always be under control one way or another,” he emphasized.

Last month, China expanded its ban on the export of military drones. Drones with high-precision measurement equipment were added to the blacklist by several agencies, including the Central Military Commission.