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Horoscope for week promises new life for four zodiac signs

Horoscope for week promises new life for four zodiac signs What the weekly horoscope promises (photo:

The new week (from February 19 to 25) will pleasantly surprise representatives of four zodiac signs. They will have the chance to change their lives and forget about the tough period. The "black streak" will come to an end, according to Slovofraza.


This week will allow you to unfold something new. In a moment, everything will change, and you will have a chance to forget all the bad things and erase all the negative moments from your own story. The end of the "black streak" will give you the desire to move forward and reach for the stars.


Starting from Monday, you should learn to set boundaries. Do not allow anyone to interfere in your life or change the course of your thoughts. If you can find someone who truly listens to your desires, they will help you change everything. However, you will manage on your own as well, as destiny will offer you the opportunity to start anew.


An incredible week awaits you. You will realize that most problems can be easily solved with minimal effort. Listen to your intuition and act. The "black streak" will end, and it's time to start a new chapter in your life, filling it with joyful moments.


You may find yourself at a crossroads. But no one will make the choice for you; it's all in your hands. In the search for happiness and harmony, you should believe in your strengths and build strong relationships with the people around you. You will be able to meet true friends with whom you will start a new life.

It was previously revealed that three zodiac signs would receive a generous reward from the Universe for all their sufferings.

We also mentioned that only these zodiac signs would magically become wealthy and fulfill their dreams by the end of February.