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Hellfire for the Russian occupiers: AFU showed artillerymen's work near Bakhmut

Hellfire for the Russian occupiers: AFU showed artillerymen's work near Bakhmut Artillerists show how they destroy the enemy near Bakhmut (Photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian artillery and missile forces, along with other units of the Defense Forces, continue to destroy the enemy, including in the Bakhmut direction, according to Commander of the Army of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskii, the commander of the Ground Forces.

The video shows the actions of the 22nd Separate Mechanized Brigade as they unleash a hail of artillery fire, destroying Russian occupiers near Bakhmut.

"Bakhmut direction. The advance continues," noted General Syrskii.

Battles near Bakhmut

The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reports that Ukrainian troops continue their offensive actions north and south of Bakhmut. At the same time, Russian forces are attempting attacks in Klishiivka, South of Bakhmut.

Deputy Minister of Defense Hanna Maliar stated that over the past week, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have liberated about 2 square kilometers of territory in the Bakhmut direction. However, the occupiers are regrouping their forces.

According to the spokesperson of f the Operational Command East of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Serhiі Cherevatyi, Ukrainian defenders are advancing "slowly but steadily" near Bakhmut.