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Harris choosing her vice-presidential candidate amongst two governors - Reuters

Harris choosing her vice-presidential candidate amongst two governors - Reuters Photo: Kamala Harris, US Vice President (Getty Images)

US presidential candidate from the Democratic Party Kamala Harris has narrowed down her list of vice-presidential candidates. She is now choosing between two governors, Reuters informs.

Three unnamed sources told the news agency that Harris might announce either Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro or Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her vice-presidential candidate.

According to Reuters, Harris is expected to announce her vice-presidential pick tomorrow, August 6. They will then appear together at Temple University in Philadelphia.

Journalist sources clarified that it is currently unknown whether the US Vice President has made a final decision.

A five-day tour across seven cities in American states is expected to begin tomorrow.

Josh Shapiro

It is worth noting that Josh Shapiro is the governor of one of the key states in presidential elections. The candidate who wins there will secure 19 electoral votes.

Reuters highlighted that Shapiro could become the first Jewish vice president in US history. Support for such a vice-presidential candidate from Israel could potentially alienate some progressive voters while attracting moderate ones.

Tim Walz

Tim Walz is a former US National Guard member and former teacher who has become a supporter of Harris. He has also criticized former US President Donald Trump and his vice-presidential candidate, Jay D. Vance.

According to Reuters, Walz might help Harris appeal to white rural voters, who are crucial for the Republicans.

What preceded

Harris entered the presidential race after US President Joe Biden decided to withdraw his candidacy. The reason was his poor performance in debates against Donald Trump.

Recently, Harris was announced as the official Democratic Party candidate for US President. She received the votes of 3,923 Democrats.