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Guerrillas determine number of Russian aircraft at Saky airfield and track its defense

Guerrillas determine number of Russian aircraft at Saky airfield and track its defense Photo: Guerrillas found out the exact number of aircraft at Saky airfield (Planet Labs)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Partisans of the ATESH movement conducted a comprehensive reconnaissance of the Saky airfield in Crimea. They managed to detect 10 Russian fighter jets, as well as air defense systems and a radar station, according to the ATESH guerrilla movement.

"Recently, our agents have been actively reconnoitering the strategic airfield in Novofedorivka, better known as the Saky airfield. It is one of the most strategically important facilities, as most of the Russian fighter jets that attack Ukraine take off from there," the guerrillas say.

At the time of the reconnaissance, approximately 10 Su-30 fighters were spotted at the airfield, as well as locations of air defense systems and Kasta-2E2 radars, which indicates a high level of protection.

"This is only a small part of all the intelligence we received. All the information has been passed on to the Ukrainian Defense Forces, and we are waiting for positive news from them," ATESH concludes.

Photo: Telegram channel of the ATESH guerrilla movement (

Guerrillas' activities in temporarily occupied territories and Russia

Earlier, we wrote that guerrillas discovered warehouses with Kalibr missiles in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

Recently, agents of the ATESH movement discovered the deployment of Russian equipment to repel attacks by marine drones.

By the way, the guerrillas scouted the territory of a missile production corporation near Moscow.

Yesterday it became known that the guerrillas sabotaged a railroad in Russia, which was used by the invaders to transport missiles.