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Germany takes in critically ill children from Okhmatdyt hospital for treatment

Germany takes in critically ill children from Okhmatdyt hospital for treatment Illustrative photo: children from Okhmatdyt arrived for treatment in Germany (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Germany has accepted seriously ill children who were previously treated at the Okhmatdyt children's hospital, which was shelled by Russia on July 8, according to the German Ministry of the Interior.

It is reported that eight children aged from several months to 15 years old were evacuated to Germany for treatment, with most of them being cancer patients. The children arrived in Germany accompanied by close relatives.

"The rocket attack on the children's hospital in Kyiv once again showed the unimaginable inhumanity with which Putin is waging his aggressive war against Ukraine. That's why we continue our humanitarian support to Ukraine with all our might," said Nancy Faeser, the head of Germany's Ministry of the Interior.

Rocket strike by Russia on Okhmatdyt hospital

On Monday, July 8, Russia launched a massive rocket strike on Kyiv. One of the missiles hit the capital's children's hospital, Okhmatdyt.

The strike completely destroyed one of the hospital buildings and damaged several others. It was also reported that two people were killed on the day of the attack. Later, it became known that a child who was in intensive care at Okhmatdyt after surgery had died.

Sources from RBC-Ukraine reported that following this act of terrorism, one of the Russian pilots turned his colleagues in to the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine.