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Germany is not new Hungary. Scholz explains delay in sanctions against Russia

Germany is not new Hungary. Scholz explains delay in sanctions against Russia German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (photo: Getty Images)

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz explains why Berlin is delaying the EU's decision on new sanctions against Russia for its aggression against Ukraine.

According to Politico's diplomatic sources, the EU is negotiating a new package of sanctions against Russia, which should include a ban on the re-export of Russian liquefied natural gas through European terminals. But Germany opposes this.

In an interview with Axel Springer on the sidelines of the G7 summit, Scholz explained that the package is "not blocked" and that EU countries are "discussing the details."

"It's about how we can make sure that the German economy can carry out its activities and at the same time make sure that goods that are delivered somewhere in South America, in an Asian country or in Africa, don't end up in Russia in a roundabout way, where they shouldn't be," the German chancellor said.

Scholz added that he believes a new EU sanctions package will be agreed soon, as "this is a practical question, not a fundamental one."

At the same time, the German Chancellor responded to the comparison of Germany with Hungary, which usually creates obstacles to new EU sanctions packages in order to soften them in favor of Russia.

"Yes, it's a great line, but it's complete nonsense. We want to find a solution," he emphasized.

On June 12, Brussels-based journalist Rickard Jozwiak reported that EU ambassadors failed to agree on a new package of sanctions against Russia. The reason, he said, was Germany's position.

The EU ambassadors were to continue their search for consensus on Friday, June 14, but again failed to reach an agreement because of Berlin.