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Germany does not oppose Ukraine using Leopard tanks on Russian territory

Germany does not oppose Ukraine using Leopard tanks on Russian territory Photo: Chairman of the German parliament defense committee Marcus Faber (Getty Images)

After Ukraine receives Western weapons, they become Ukrainian. This rule applies to German Leopard 2 tanks as well, states the Chairman of the Defense Committee of the German Parliament, Marcus Faber.

Faber stated that he does not see an issue if Ukraine uses weapons provided by Germany to advance into Russian territory, including the Leopard 2 main battle tank.

"With the transfer to Ukraine, it becomes Ukrainian weaponry. This applies to any material, including Leopard 2... With Russia's attack on Ukraine, the territory of both countries is a combat zone. The use of weapons is governed by international law," said the Chairman of the Defense Committee.

It is worth noting that the decision to transfer Leopard tanks was initially very difficult for Berlin. The argument even reached the point where it was claimed that "German weapons should not be used against Russians."

However, over time, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz indicated that he allowed Ukraine to use the weapons provided by Germany for strikes on Russian territory, but only in areas bordering the Kharkiv region.

RBC-Ukraine has reported on why Scholz is reluctant to lift restrictions on using German weapons for strikes on Russia.