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Germany comments on fighting in Kursk region: Operation with no feedback

Germany comments on fighting in Kursk region: Operation with no feedback Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Germany is cautious about the advance of the Ukrainian forces in the Kursk region of Russia. The operation is very secretive and with no feedback, according to the deputy spokesman for the German government, Wolfgang Büchner.

“So far, everything looks like a spatially limited operation, so it would be unwise to give public comments on this basis,” Büchner said.

Berlin is in close dialogue with its partners, and Kyiv, he adds.

Answering whether Ukraine is using German weapons in the operation, he says that Kyiv has given assurances that the weapons will be in use following international law.

Fighting in Kursk region

On August 6, Russia announced a border breach and the advance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region. A short time later, a counterterrorism operation was introduced in the Bryansk, Kursk, and Belgorod regions of Russia. On August 11, Russian officials claimed a breakthrough in the Belovsky district of the region.

Commenting on the fighting in the Kursk region, China stated a “consistent and clear position” and called for “three principles for de-escalation.”