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German official involved in painting swastikas on Ukrainian cars resigns

German official involved in painting swastikas on Ukrainian cars resigns Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Martin Kühne, a member of the municipal council of Baden-Baden, drew swastikas on Ukrainian vehicles. Following these scandalous incidents, he resigned from his position. Representatives of the Alternative for Germany party reported this, according to Spiegel.

How it all started

Martin Kühne, a member of the municipal council of Baden-Baden, painted swastikas and the slogan "Fuck UA" on two Ukrainian vehicles. He is a representative of the Alternative for Germany party and decided to resign from his position following this incident. The former official also declined to comment on his actions.

Party representatives' statements

"He did not provide our group with any information about the accusations made against him," said his colleague Alexander Arpaschi.

When asked, Kühne declined to comment on the situation. Alongside Arpaschi, Kühne is one of the three members of the municipal council representing the Alternative for Germany party in the resort city.

Former official fined for swastika

The Public Prosecutor's Office in Baden-Baden announced that the member of the municipal council was suspected of placing Nazi symbolism on two cars with Ukrainian license plates and writing the words "Fuck UA" on them in capital letters.

For this, he was fined 50 daily rates, which does not yet have legal force. It is reported that the incidents occurred in January and March of this year.

Alternative for Germany party

This is an ultraright political party in Germany, founded on February 6, 2013. According to the results of the elections on September 24, 2017, it became the third-largest party in the Bundestag.

The Alternative for Germany party is one of the German parties that advocate for Germany to lift the international sanctions imposed against Russia and support Russia's positions on a range of international issues.

Germany recently reported providing Ukraine with a new package of military assistance, which includes Patriot SAM missiles, among other items.