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German Foreign Minister: 'If Ukraine falls, Moldova is next country in line'

German Foreign Minister: 'If Ukraine falls, Moldova is next country in line' Photo: German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Assistance to Ukraine also contributes to Moldova's security. Ukraine's defeat could put Moldova at risk, and that is why Kyiv's support is so important for the region, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock says.

"Everything that we do to support Ukraine also means fostering stabilization with regards to Moldova. It is clear what the greatest concern of the people here is: that if Ukraine falls, Moldova is the next country in line," she says.

Baerbock was speaking at a meeting in Chisinau as part of the Moldova Partnership Platform, which was also attended by the Foreign Ministers of France, Romania, Poland, the Netherlands, and Lithuania. The platform was established by Germany in 2022 to strengthen Moldova's economy and protect it from Russian disinformation.

Moldovan President Maia Sandu stressed that the war in Ukraine is causing serious damage to the Moldovan economy and hindering the country's development.

"The uncertainty caused by the war continues to seriously hinder our economic development and will continue to hinder it as long as the war lasts," she says.

Under the Platform, more than €300 million in loans and €80 million in grants have been made available to Moldova to support the economy.

Allies also reaffirmed their support for Moldova's efforts to join the European Union. France, Germany, and Poland have expressed their readiness to help strengthen the country's defense both bilaterally and as part of a partnership with the EU.

Germany's assistance to Ukraine

Germany actively supports Ukraine in the field of air defense. Berlin has already handed over three Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine, which are capable of effectively intercepting ballistic missiles. The Ukrainian authorities have repeatedly requested these systems.

In addition, Germany is supplying Ukraine with its advanced IRIS-T air defense systems, which are equipped with infrared sensors and have a range of up to 40 kilometers.

On September 3, Reuters reported, citing its sources, that Germany plans to provide Ukraine with six additional IRIS-T systems.