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Garlands in trenches: Heartbreaking photos of Ukrainian defenders

Garlands in trenches: Heartbreaking photos of Ukrainian defenders Events at the front line (collage: RBC-Ukraine)

Photographers Vladyslava and Kostiantyn Liberov showed the shots taken from November to December on their Instagram. You can see the rainbow over the broken trees in the Donetsk region, the faces of those who are defending us at the front, and more.

Rainbow over the broken trees

In the first photo, the photographers managed to capture an incredible moment. A rainbow is rising in the sky over the broken trees in the Donetsk region as a sign of hope.

Garlands in trenches: Heartbreaking photos of Ukrainian defenders

Rainbow over the trees in Donetsk region (photo:

Soldiers head to their positions

In another photo, tank drivers of the 28th Brigade are on their way to combat positions. Snow has already fallen in Ukraine and frost has begun. Our defenders at the frontline feel it hardest.

Garlands in trenches: Heartbreaking photos of Ukrainian defenders

Events at the front line (photo:

Sky and Bakhmut

Everyone knows that many fights take place near Bakhmut. The sky there is not like in other cities. Everything is literally on fire around it. And the sky above the soldiers is turning red and white with flames.

Garlands in trenches: Heartbreaking photos of Ukrainian defenders

A soldier of the 92nd Brigade near Bakhmut (photo:

Children's feelings

The Liberovs showed how the child was hiding and resting in the hallway during the most powerful drone attack in Kyiv. Windows were smashed in the apartment where the child lives. And the girl's brother was wounded, it happened in her presence.

Garlands in trenches: Heartbreaking photos of Ukrainian defenders

Girl in Kyiv (photo:

"Cheetah" on the hunt

The photographers also showed an air defense combat vehicle Gepard ("Cheetah"). The photo was taken in the Kyiv region.

Garlands in trenches: Heartbreaking photos of Ukrainian defenders

Gepard on duty (photo:

Sunshine gone

Another photo shows an abandoned sunflower field near the road to Avdiivka.

Garlands in trenches: Heartbreaking photos of Ukrainian defenders

Field near Avdiivka (photo:

Air defense in the Kyiv region

This photo shows those who defend the sky. The photo shows an Avenger air defense system operator on duty in the Kyiv region.

Garlands in trenches: Heartbreaking photos of Ukrainian defenders

Avenger air defense system (photo:

Tankers at the front

The Liberovs also showed how the tankers of the 28th Brigade moved to their combat positions in the snow. Even in the cold, the military is bravely defending Ukraine.

Garlands in trenches: Heartbreaking photos of Ukrainian defenders

Defenders of Ukraine (photo:

New Year in a trench

The dugout decorated with New Year's garlands evokes sadness and pain. This photo impressed commenters the most. According to the netizens, it contains an important message that the war continues.

Garlands in trenches: Heartbreaking photos of Ukrainian defenders

Garlands in a trench (photo:

Earlier, border guards showed a video of the destruction of Russian positions near Kupiansk.

In addition, we recently reported about the main Christmas tree in Ukraine near Bakhmut.