Unbreakable spirit: Ukrainian military shows country's main Christmas tree near Bakhmut

Less than a month left until New Year 2024, but even on the front lines, where Ukrainian warriors are fighting for independence, there is room for celebration. The military showed a New Year's tree, located 6 kilometers away from Bakhmut, a hot spot of the front, according to a soldier Roman Docent.
What the military Christmas tree looks like
"The Main Tree of the Country decorates your New Year - 6 km out of Bakhmut," the defender writes.
The military shows the main Christmas tree of the country near Bakhmut (photo: Facebook/Roman Docent)
This tree symbolizes the unbreakable spirit of Ukrainian soldiers, as they fight every day in tough conditions for Ukraine to exist.
Decorated in blue and yellow colors, secured to a pole with tape, the tree stands alone in the gray mist of Donbas.
In the comments, Ukrainians thank the soldiers for everything they do on the military front.
- Thank you! May all the strength protect you! And let the trees come only after victory!
- Stay strong.
- We believe in you, our dear ones. We pray for your health and safety!
- Take care, Friend! Sending hugs!