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France preparing new aid package for Ukraine, including Caesar howitzers - Media

France preparing new aid package for Ukraine, including Caesar howitzers - Media French President Emmanuel Macron (Photo: Getty Images)

France is preparing a new military aid package for Ukraine, which will include Caesar howitzers, among other equipment, according to France Info.

According to the document reviewed by the publication, Ukraine will receive 128 VAB transport vehicles, 18 Caesar artillery howitzers, and 24 light tanks.

"Anti-tank missiles, trucks, and radars will make up the other part of the additional French equipment planned for 2024," the report said.

Additionally, by the end of this year, 2100 Ukrainian soldiers will spend two months in military camps in France for combat training.

"An unprecedented contingent will stay on site for two months. The soldiers undergoing training will be stationed in France. These are the same centers that annually host French soldiers before each operation in foreign theaters of war," the report said.

It is noted that a small part of the training will focus on tank preparation.

The goal of this large-scale operation is to prepare a brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by December 2024.

French aid to Ukraine

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, France has provided military assistance to Ukraine. Paris, in particular, has already supplied long-range SCALP missiles and Caesar self-propelled howitzers.

French President Emmanuel Macron recently announced the delivery of Mirage 2000 fighter jets to Ukraine. The Ukrainian Air Force responded to this announcement, calling the Mirage 2000 an aircraft capable of effectively carrying out combat missions.