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Former Trump adviser sharply criticizes his promises to end war in Ukraine

Former Trump adviser sharply criticizes his promises to end war in Ukraine John Bolton (photo: Getty Images)

Former US President Donald Trump's National Security Advisor John Bolton criticized the 45th president for his statements about his intention to end the war in Ukraine.

Bolton commented on Trump's statement during his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The US presidential candidate claimed that he would bring peace and end Russia's war against Ukraine.

Bolton believes that Trump does not know how to end the war in Ukraine.

“This is nuts. He has no idea how he's going to negotiate and end this war,” the former Trump adviser said.

In his opinion, Trump's possible proximity to the Kremlin as US president will lead to concessions in favor of Russia. This could have negative consequences for Ukraine.

Bolton emphasized that such a position would be a “dark moment” not only for Ukraine but also for the United States. He explained that American national security interests are based on protecting against unprovoked aggression on the European continent, which benefits the United States.

Trump's statements about Ukraine

Former US President and candidate in the upcoming elections Donald Trump has advocated for a reduction in aid to Ukraine. He noted that assistance to Ukraine should be in the form of a loan, not a “gift.”

Trump repeatedly promised that he would end the war in Ukraine before returning to the White House. Trump's advisors also presented him with their plan to end the war in Ukraine. Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson described what this “peace plan” might look like.

Recently, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Donald Trump had a phone conversation. In particular, the politicians discussed a possible meeting in the future.