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Former Moldovan General Staff Chief leaks to Russia information on Ukrainian Defense Ministry visits

Former Moldovan General Staff Chief leaks to Russia information on Ukrainian Defense Ministry visits Archive photo: Igor Gorgan ( MDAarmy)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Former Moldovan Chief of General Staff Igor Gorgan leaked classified information to Russian intelligence, including details of Ukrainian Defense Ministry representatives' visits to the country, according to The Insider and the head of the Moldovan presidential administration, Adrian Belucel.

What the journalists managed to find out

It is noted that The Insider gained access to the correspondence between the former Chief of the General Staff of Moldova, Igor Gorgan, and one of his supervisors from the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Colonel Alexei Makarov.

At the same time, Gorgan's cooperation with the Russian representative intensified in the spring of 2022, after the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

The former high-ranking military officer reported on Ukraine's plans to buy six MiG-29 aircraft from Moldova. He also leaked information to Russia about visits by representatives of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry to Moldova and fuel supplies through Romania.

In addition to Ukraine, Gorgan focused on Moldova's internal political issues, namely the speeches of President Maia Sandu.

Reaction of Chisinau

The Moldovan presidential administration said that such crimes against the state should be punished most severely.

“In 2021, President Maia Sandu removed this person from office. He will be deprived of his military rank and the state awards Meritul Militar and Credință Patriei, which were given to him in 2006 and 2015,” Belucel wrote.

According to him, such criminals help to create hybrid threats for Moldova, so the country needs to fight more effectively against acts of treason.

Where is Gorgan now?

Journalists reported that the former chief of the Moldovan General Staff got a job at the UN Refugee Agency in Chisinau.

The agency registers all internally displaced persons from Ukraine and helps them to settle in a new place. Now engages in the delivery of humanitarian aid for Ukrainian children.

Russian agents in Europe

The Kremlin is actively using its agents and informants to conduct intelligence in European countries, especially in those that help Ukraine.

Earlier, Bloomberg wrote that Russian military intelligence has begun to work more actively in Europe and that the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) recruits young people through the Internet to carry out sabotage.