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Following Poland's example: Czechia considering creation of legion of Ukrainian volunteers

Following Poland's example: Czechia considering creation of legion of Ukrainian volunteers Photo: Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová (Getty Images)

The Ministry of Defense of Czechia is studying Poland's experience in creating a legion of Ukrainian volunteers, according to Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová in an interview on ČT 24.

"We want to continue training Ukrainian soldiers, so why not extend this process to possibly include Czech citizens who identify as Ukrainian and form some kind of unit," Černochová said.

She emphasized that, as in Poland, enlistment in such a unit in Czechia should be voluntary.

Ukrainian Legion in Poland

Recently Ukraine and Poland signed a security guarantees agreement. In particular, it stipulates that a Ukrainian Legion will be formed in Poland from Ukrainians residing in EU countries.

On July 11, Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski stated that several thousand people have already expressed their desire to join the Ukrainian Legion.

It was also reported that Poland will not actively seek out Ukrainians for recruitment into the Ukrainian Legion. This process will be managed through Ukrainian consulates.