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Brazil considering leaving International Criminal Court following order for Putin's arrest

Brazil considering leaving International Criminal Court following order for Putin's arrest Photo: Flavio Dino, the Minister of Justice and Public Security of Brazil (

Brazil is considering the possibility of withdrawing from the International Criminal Court. This decision comes after an arrest order for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin was issued. Brazil's Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flavio Dino, made this announcement, according to "Correio Braziliense".

According to him, "important" countries have not joined the organization.

"President Lula correctly warned that there is an imbalance, in which some countries adhere to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and others do not, such as the United States, China, and other important countries," said the minister.

He clarified that at some point, Brazilian diplomacy might reconsider its commitment to this agreement, as there was no equality among nations.

"It was a warning that the president made. Of course, Brazilian diplomacy will know how to evaluate this," added Dino.

What the Minister thinks about Putin's arrest

The minister emphasized that this "imbalance" could lead to the imposition of one country's will on others. He also stated that a possible arrest of Putin would be a "political decision."

"It would be necessary for this situation to arise so that there could be an analysis of whether or not this international treaty has been complied with in view of this specific circumstance in which large countries on the planet have not adhered to the ICC," said the minister.

Dino also stated that all countries that are part of the United Nations should review the Rome Statute.


In March, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Putin and Ombudsman Maria Lvova-Belova over the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children. Thus, all countries that have ratified the Rome Statute are required to arrest the Russian dictator if he visits their states.

Recently, the President of Brazil promised not to arrest Putin if he visits the country.

Subsequently, Lula da Silva stated that Brazil's judicial system would decide whether it is necessary to arrest Russian dictator Vladimir Putin if he attends the G20 summit, scheduled to take place in the country next year.