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Focus shifts: Situation in Chasiv Yar after Ukrainian forces left Kanal neighborhood

Focus shifts: Situation in Chasiv Yar after Ukrainian forces left Kanal neighborhood Photo: Ukrainian soldier in Chasiv Yar (Getty Images)

After the Ukrainian forces withdrew from the Kanal neighborhood in ChasivYar (Donetsk region), Russian attacks continued. But the focus is shifting closer to Toretsk, according to Nazar Voloshyn, spokesman for the Khortytsia operational and strategic group of troops.

The situation in Chasiv Yar has not changed drastically after it was decided to withdraw to save the lives of the military.

"The enemy continues active assault actions in this area," the speaker said.

The Defense Forces stopped 11 attacks yesterday, and 9 attacks before that. Today, the enemy continues to try to push the Ukrainian military in Chasiv Yar, Ivanivske, and Klishchiivka.

"The situation is under control of the Defense Forces. The bulk of the attacks are in the southern part of Chasiv Yar. There were 32 hostile attacks in this area and 5 attacks on the town. Enemy aviation was active, but the focus is shifting closer to the Toretsk direction," added Voloshyn.

This week the Ukrainian Armed Forces were forced to withdraw from the Kanal neighborhood to more favorable positions. The Russians turned it into ashes since the beginning of the battle for Chasiv Yar.

Earlier, Voloshyn said that Forbes' data that Russia allegedly lost up to 99,000 soldiers in the battle for Chasiv Yar in killed and wounded is overstated. According to him, they lost up to 5,000 people in the three months of fighting for this town.