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Floods in Europe may affect water quality in Odesa and region

Floods in Europe may affect water quality in Odesa and region Floods in Europe may affect water quality in Odesa and region (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Due to flooding in Europe, water quality in Odesa and the surrounding region may deteriorate as a result of pollution in the Danube and Dniester rivers, according to experts, who are monitoring the situation closely, according to the Odesa Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

"Due to severe weather conditions affecting neighboring countries (Moldova, Romania, Poland, and the Czech Republic), there is a risk of contamination of surface waters, particularly the Dniester and Danube rivers, as well as Lake Yalpuh, which are sources of drinking water for part of the population in the Odesa region," the statement reads.

The Center emphasized that to prevent infectious diseases and emergencies, enhanced measures have been put in place, including increased monitoring of drinking water quality and ongoing health assessments for the local population.

"Should the epidemiological situation worsen, additional information will be provided. The situation remains under constant control," experts confirmed.

Flooding in Europe

Over the past weekend, Europe experienced significant flooding, impacting Poland, Czechia, and Austria. This unusual weather was caused by Cyclone Boris, which concentrated heavy rainfall in specific areas. There have already been casualties and missing persons reported.

The extreme weather in Europe also had repercussions in Ukraine. On September 15, Odesa experienced a heavy downpour, with cars submerged in water and people taking refuge on vehicle rooftops. Additionally, floods in Poland and Czechia led to the temporary suspension of several train routes to Ukraine.

However, meteorologists have reassured the public that the flood, which caused widespread damage in Europe, will not reach Ukraine.