Five most unhealthy places in gym - Teeming with bacteria

Fitness clubs can be a hotbed of germs. Experts have named the most contaminated places in the gym, which are literally teeming with bacteria and can pose a health hazard, reports Aaptiv.
Mats for training
Health and safety researcher Caitlin Hoff said that mats are often ignored during cleaning and are used by many different people.
An exercise mat can be one of the most germ-filled pieces of equipment in a gym because of the material. Mats are heavily saturated with sweat from different people and contain a lot of germs.
Sweat is known to contain bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus. Approximately one in three people has Staphylococcus aureus in their body systems. It is usually not a threatening problem unless it comes into contact with damaged skin.
Frequent cleaning of the mat with products may not get rid of all the absorbed germs.
If you plan to take a shower after your workout, you should bring slippers, as germs crawl on the floor of showers. The warm, humid environment creates an ideal place for bacteria to grow.
You should always wear protective shoes and a towel when using the steam room or sauna. Also, be careful when touching parts of the shower with your hands.
Gym sinks are actually the most germy places in the entire gym. Faucet handles are a breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
57% of the germs on the gym sink tap contain gram-negative bacteria that are harmful to humans. These germs can cause diseases such as pneumonia and meningitis.
Try not to use sinks and instead bring antibacterial hand gel. This reduces the risk of contact with the elements of the sink and also keeps your hands free of harmful bacteria.
A variety of germs are on all the equipment because it is not always washed. The next time you want to use weights or any cardio equipment, wipe it down before and after. This way you guarantee yourself a safe workout.
Sports bags
Both fungal and bacterial microbes can grow in dark, warm, and humid places. Itchy feet and body can occur due to improper handling of clothes and shoes in a sports bag.
It is better to bring a spare bag for dirty clothes after training, and when you get home, wash them as soon as possible. You should also change your socks and ventilate your shoes after training.
You may also be interested in 5 bad habits in the gym that you need to stop right now.
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