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First time in history: Ukrainian combat system DELTA passes NATO standards test

First time in history: Ukrainian combat system DELTA passes NATO standards test Illustrative photo: DELTA system passed NATO standards test
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Ukrainian combat system DELTA has successfully passed an information security test according to the standards used in NATO countries, according to the Ministry of Defense.

"For the first time in Ukraine's history, a military system has been certified according to standards used in NATO countries. Previously, similar systems were tested according to 20-year-old standards that have become outdated," said Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov.

It is known that the cybersecurity diagnostics of the system lasted a month and a half. In total, 162 information security measures used in the DELTA system were analyzed.

The next step is to put DELTA into operation by the defense forces. It is noted that the system is expected to become widely adopted in combat units to ensure a technological advantage over the enemy.

DELTA is a unique military ecosystem developed by the military for the military according to NATO standards. It provides a real-time view of the battlefield, displaying the air, ground and sea situation on a digital map. The system allows for the exchange of information within a unit, brigade and, if necessary, with allies.

Development of the system began in 2015 by Aerorozvidka volunteers. The first prototype was presented in 2016, and in 2019, at CWIX-2019, the project's compatibility with similar systems of NATO countries was confirmed.

During the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the system was actively used during the defense of Kyiv, the destruction of the cruiser Moskva, the liberation of Zmiinyi Island, the Slobozhanskyi counteroffensive, and other operations.