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Finland completes fence construction on Russian border

Finland completes fence construction on Russian border Finland completes fence construction on Russian border (Getty Images)

Finland completed fencing construction on a test section of the eastern border with Russia, according to the Finnish Border Guard, Yle reports.

The fence is approximately three kilometers long and is located in Peltola, South Karelia. The section was built with a slight delay. The next part of the fence is already under construction in Salla in Lapland.

The Border Guard notes that the road along the fence, the fence itself, and the technical surveillance system are the most modern in terms of border security. For example, patrolling in the area of the test section has been expedited, and the new monitoring technology provides a more comprehensive understanding of the situation.

Russia-Finland relations after the war started

The Finnish government plans to introduce several legislative projects that could prohibit Russians from entering into real estate agreements. Additionally, the Finnish government aims to facilitate the confiscation of apartments owned by Russians. A significant portion of real estate is vacant, and it is impossible to contact its owners.

The Finnish customs has initiated more than 660 investigations into violations of sanctions imposed by the EU against Russia. All of these cases were recorded after February 24, 2022.