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Financial Times reveals details of G7 security commitments for Ukraine

Financial Times reveals details of G7 security commitments for Ukraine G7 will propose security commitments for Ukraine (Getty Images)

G7 states have agreed on a joint framework to provide long-term security commitments to Ukraine, Financial Times reports.

According to the media, the commitments will include:

  • supply of modern military equipment on land, in the air, and at sea,
  • training of Ukrainian military personnel,
  • exchange of intelligence data,
  • cybersecurity aid.

For its part, Ukraine pledges to carry out reforms, including those in the judicial system and civilian control over the armed forces.

"Western officials say that security commitments will help Ukraine regain the territory occupied by Russian forces and modernize the country's army. They will also ensure that support keeps on regardless of political changes in Western capitals," the media states.

According to Amanda Sloat, Senior Director for European Affairs at the US National Security Council, these guarantees "will help Ukraine build an army capable of defending itself and deterring future aggression."

The agreements are said to provide Ukraine with more weapons and long-term assistance. They also aim to formalize special statements from Western states and alleviate concerns from Ukraine and more hawkish NATO members, who want to see a specific path for Kyiv's membership in the Alliance.

According to the declaration adopted today, the G7 countries will expand training and military exercises, as well as expand Ukraine's industrial base.

"Each of us will work with Ukraine on specific, bilateral, long-term commitments and agreements on security to ensure sustainable forces capable of defending Ukraine now and deterring Russian aggression in the future," said the G7 statement received by AFP.

NATO Summit results

Today, the second day of the NATO summit in Vilnius focuses on Ukraine as its main topic. Yesterday, the allies agreed on a joint communiqué aimed at bringing Ukraine closer to integration. The key points include a multi-year assistance program for Ukraine, establishing of the Ukraine-NATO Council, canceling of the Membership Action Plan.

As President Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized, security guarantees from the G7 states would be a solid success for Ukraine.