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Fighting in Kharkiv region: Russian army intensifies drone reconnaissance

Fighting in Kharkiv region: Russian army intensifies drone reconnaissance Illustrative photo: Russian troops are actively using reconnaissance drones in the Kharkiv region (

Russian forces have significantly increased their reconnaissance efforts in the Kharkiv region. They are using their drones for this purpose, according to a statement from the spokesperson of the Kharkiv Operational-Tactical Group, Vitalii Sarantsev.

"The enemy's aerial reconnaissance has increased by approximately 40%. They are conducting it both during the day and at night," emphasized Sarantsev.

According to him, the Russian forces' objectives might include:

  • Detecting Defense Forces units for subsequent fire attacks;
  • Establishing optimal movement routes for their own personnel and equipment.

Sarantsev also clarified that the Russian army might be using aerial reconnaissance to find routes for logistics.

"They are trying to find new routes for their logistical operations because our FPV drones are disrupting their activities. They are unable to move freely with any objective, whether it's for assaults or for delivering supplies and ammunition to the forward positions," Vitalii Sarantsev explained.

He added that on September 15, the Russian army attempted to move personnel to Vovchansk using vehicles, but an attack was launched on the vehicles. The vehicles, along with the occupants, were partially destroyed.

What preceded this

Several days ago, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that the Russian forces had attempted to storm Ukrainian defense positions in the Vovchansk area.

However, their attempts at advancing were unsuccessful—the Ukrainian soldiers managed to repel the enemy attacks.

We also reported that, according to soldiers from the Khartia unit, the Russian troops are trying to recapture lost positions in the Kharkiv region.