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Russians trying to regain lost ground in Ukraine's Kharkiv region

Russians trying to regain lost ground in Ukraine's Kharkiv region Russians trying to regain lost ground in Ukraine's Kharkiv region (photo: Getty Images)

The Russian military is trying to regain lost ground in the Kharkiv region. However, the situation is currently under control, reports Anton Baiev, head of the planning department of the Khartiya 13th Brigade.

Baiev noted that the situation remains under control, although the enemy has become more active.

“They keep trying to do something 24/7 to regain their positions. We can see that they are accumulating, but it is difficult for them to do so because the transportation of people on armored vehicles is not so effective - we control all the enemy's logistics routes,” assured the head of the planning department of the 13th Brigade.

Situation in Kharkiv region

We recently reported that the Russian troops captured Synkivka in the Kharkiv region and advanced in three other areas.

Yesterday, the General Staff reported that in the Kharkiv sector, the Russians unsuccessfully attacked three times during the day near Vovchansk.