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Fighting continues near Vovchansk, 18 attacks repelled on Pokrovsk front - Ukraine's General Staff

Fighting continues near Vovchansk, 18 attacks repelled on Pokrovsk front - Ukraine's General Staff Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Since the beginning of the day, the number of combat clashes on the frontline has increased to 59. Two clashes continue near Vovchansk, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Sectors updates

Two firefights continue in the Kharkiv sector near Vovchansk. The enemy is using aviation from the direction of Belgorod.

In the Kupiansk sector, four firefights continue near Synkivka, Novoselivka, and Kruhliakivka.

In the Lyman sector, Russians attempted to attack five times near Hrekivka, Nevske, and Terny. Fighting continues near Makiivka.

In the Siversk sector, Russians are active in the area of Nove. One assault is currently underway.

In the Kramatorsk sector, Russians are attacking near Kalynivka and Ivanivske.

In the Pokrovsk sector, 22 combat clashes were recorded near Novooleksandrivka, Kalynove, Sokil, and Novopokrovske since the beginning of the day. Ukrainian troops repelled 18 enemy attacks, and four more are ongoing.

In the Kurakhove sector, the enemy is attacking near Krasnohorivka and Paraskoviivka. Six attacks have already been repelled, one battle is ongoing.

In the Vremivka sector, Russian aircraft attacked with 12 unguided missiles in the area of Staromaiorske.

In the Prydniprovskyi sector, the enemy is also using aviation. Olhivka was attacked with four guided bombs, they dropped three bombs on Krynky and another on the village of Burhunka.

Situation at front

Over the last day, the Ukrainian Defense Forces eliminated 1,130 Russian soldiers. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, enemy losses have almost reached 530 thousand manpower. Yesterday, the military also destroyed a dozen tanks.

Read the morning report of the General Staff following the link.