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F-16 for Ukraine: Poland ready to participate in training

F-16 for Ukraine: Poland ready to participate in training Poland is ready to participate in F-16 training of Ukrainian pilots (Photo: Getty Images)

According to "Polish Radio," Marcin Pshidach, Head of the Bureau of International Policy to the President of Poland, made a statement that Poland does not plan to transfer F-16 fighters to Ukraine. However, they are prepared to participate in the training of Ukrainian soldiers.

"Other allied countries may show a bit more willingness to help and support Ukraine. Poland has already done a lot in this matter. While they do not intend to transfer F-16 aircraft to Ukraine, when it comes to training, if there is a good request and proposal from the Ukrainian side, they will consider it, but not as taken for granted," he said.

F-16 for Ukraine

The West has agreed to train our soldiers in the operation of F-16s. This decision came after the initiative was approved by the White House's Joe Biden.

Thus, a so-called aviation coalition, led by Denmark and Norway, has been formed. Within its framework, in addition to training, the supply of F-16s to Ukraine is also expected.

It is anticipated that our soldiers will receive training in F-16 operation in Denmark and Romania.