Extremely simple but effective life hack for cleaning in 10 minutes

No one wants to spend time cleaning, which often seems like an endless process. However, by using one simple life hack, you can complete the cleaning in just 10 minutes, according to Daily Express.
What the life hack involves
From a pile of laundry to mopping the kitchen floor, cleaning tasks can quickly accumulate. However, there is one simple way to reduce the time you spend on home maintenance to just 10 minutes a day.
On a Reddit forum dedicated to cleaning hacks, one user shared that they were pleasantly surprised by how much they could accomplish simply by setting a timer for 10 minutes once a day.
How the timer life hack works for cleaning
According to the user, the key is simply to set a timer for a short period. This makes it a small but essential task that will certainly improve the state of your home.
The timer helps maintain motivation during an unpleasant household chore — knowing that you have limited time to complete it makes it much easier to start cleaning. Cleaning experts suggest working until the timer goes off.
You might be surprised by how much you can accomplish in that time — gathering items, quickly tidying the bathroom, wiping the sink, throwing dirty clothes into the basket, emptying the dishwasher, and so on. More time-consuming tasks, like laundry or mopping the floor, can be reserved for the weekends.
Additionally, it's advised not to try to clean every surface thoroughly; instead, focus on a few simple but necessary tasks to maintain cleanliness. However, as noted, if you frequently dedicate 10 minutes to quick cleaning, you'll soon be amazed at how clean your house can be.
Another essential condition for this life hack is consistency. Avoid starting a cleaning session if you're not sure you'll finish it in time. Set the timer according to your schedule — some may find evenings optimal, while others may prefer to clean for 10 minutes in the morning.
On weekends, it’s recommended to extend cleaning time by setting the timer for 15 minutes per room for more intensive cleaning. This is enough time to dust, sweep, and wipe surfaces.
To prevent the process from feeling endless, it’s suggested to take a 15-minute break after cleaning two or three rooms.