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Explosions occurred in Russian Bryansk region due to massive drone attack

Explosions occurred in Russian Bryansk region due to massive drone attack Illustrative photo: explosions occurred in the Russian Bryansk region due to a drone attack (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Explosions were reported overnight on September 10 in the Russian Bryansk region as air defense forces engaged in response to a drone attack. The incident included a strike near a Rosneft facility in the region, according to the governor of Russia's Bryansk region Alexander Bogomaz, and local social media sources.

According to a Russian official, air defense systems are active in the area, working to repel a massive drone attack on the region.

"Air defense forces of the Russian Ministry of Defense are actively working to detect and destroy aerial targets," the local governor wrote on his Telegram channel.

Earlier that evening, the governor had stated that an attempted drone attack on the Bryansk region had been thwarted, with three aircraft-type drones reportedly destroyed.

"There are no casualties or damage. Emergency services are at the scene," he wrote at 10:39 p.m. (according to the Moscow time zone) on Monday.

However, after midnight, Bryansk public channels began reporting a new aerial attack. Footage of explosions from drone strikes was also released online. Additionally, there were reports of a drone explosion near a Rosneft gas station, though the exact location was not specified.

According to the governor's post at 1:18 a.m., within an hour, air defenses allegedly destroyed 21 drones, with no casualties or damage.

Drone attacks in the Bryansk region

The Bryansk region, like other regions of Russia near the border with Ukraine, frequently reports aerial attacks and air defense activity. This often results in explosions and fires at various facilities.

For example, explosions were reported in the Bryansk region overnight on August 21 due to a drone strike.

Additionally, in April, officials in Bryansk reported a fire at an electrical substation in the Vygonytskyi district, attributed to a drone strike.