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Explosions in Sumy, September 7 - Details

Explosions in Sumy, September 7 - Details Explosions in Sumy, September 7 (photo: GettyImages)

Explosions were heard in Sumy during the night of September 7. An air raid alarm has been declared in the region, according to Suspilne.

Local residents report that explosions were heard in Sumy during an air raid alarm. The Ukrainian Air Force warns of missile danger in the Sumy region.

Residents are urged to seek shelter during the alarm or follow the "'two walls" rule.

The Sumy Regional Military Administration has reported that air defense forces are operating in the region.

Shelling on Sumy region

Russian military forces almost daily shell residential areas in the border regions of the region. They use mortars, artillery, drones, and other types of weaponry.

On August 23, they struck a Shakhed at an educational institution in Romny. The building was completely destroyed. Two people lost their lives due to the enemy attack, and three others were injured.