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Explosions in Luhansk region: Russians report air defense work

Explosions in Luhansk region: Russians report air defense work Photo: explosions in Luhansk region on June 9 (Getty Images)

In the temporarily occupied Luhansk region, explosions were reported on June 9. Allegedly, the air defense systems are operational, according to Donbas News.

"Russian air defense systems are active over occupied Luhansk region," the publication reports.

According to the Russians, Ukrainian military aviation allegedly launched missiles.

Explosions in Luhansk and the region

Russian forces occupied parts of Luhansk region in 2014, including Luhansk city, which they have since transformed into a hub supporting Russian military units involved in the ongoing large-scale invasion.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to strike important Russian targets in Luhansk region, aiming to disrupt enemy logistics and deprive them of fuel supplies. For instance, on June 7, Luhansk came under heavy shelling. Strickes were recorded near the occupiers' deployment area.

The epicenter of the explosions included the airport, aircraft repair plant, the route to the Russian border, and barracks of the former Luhansk Higher Military Aviation School.