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Explosions in Kursk region of Russia during drone attack, strikes reported

Explosions in Kursk region of Russia during drone attack, strikes reported Explosions in Kursk region of Russia during drone attack (photo: Getty Images)

This evening, July 28, explosions were heard in the Kursk region (Russia) during an alleged massive attack by drones and air defense systems operations in the region.

Governor of the Kursk region Aleksey Smirnov spoke about the work of air defense forces and means in the region around 10 p.m.

According to him, at least one airplane-type drone was shot down in the Medvensky district.

Later, at 23.10, he stated that “12 more Ukrainian UAVs” were allegedly shot down in Oboyansky and Medvensky districts.

Meanwhile, footage of explosions, allegedly caused by drones, and reports of nighttime strikes began to appear online, particularly in the Solntsevsky and Pristensky districts.

There are also public reports about the alleged damage to a substation, but this information has not yet been confirmed.

In addition, the Telegram channel “Zhest Kursk” reported a large number of UAVs heading to Kursk and moving “from different directions.”

Drone attacks in the Kursk region

In the Russian Kursk region, people often complain about air attacks using drones. As a result of such “raids”, explosions and fires occur at various facilities in the region.

Earlier it was reported that last night, on July 28, explosions occurred in the Kursk region due to a drone attack, and an oil depot in the village of Polyova caught fire.

Later in the day, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine stated that the Ukrainian Defense Forces had conducted a successful operation in the Kursk region of Russia. Thus, they managed to attack an oil depot, and explosions were heard in the area of a substation.