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Explosions heard in occupied Crimea

Explosions heard in occupied Crimea Illustrative photo (photo: Getty Images)

Russian air defense systems are operating in Sevastopol, Yevpatoriya, Bakhchysarai, and Pervomaisk districts of temporarily occupied Crimea, according to Telegram channels TASS and Krymskyi Veter.

"Loud explosions are heard in Sevastopol," writes Krymskyi Veter, citing subscribers.

They also reported explosions from Yevpatoriya to Sevastopol.

"Strong explosions are heard in the Bakhchysarai district. A missile was seen flying in the sky, about 20 explosions were heard in the area of Belbek, a subscriber reported," according to one of the channel's posts.

At 3:20, TASS reported the repulsion of a missile attack in Sevastopol. Concerning the governor, the agency wrote that there are no ruins or casualties.

At 3:55, there are also reports of explosions in Saky, Krasnoperekopsk, Chornomorsk, and Simferopol.

Updated at 4:40. A source from Krymskyi Veter reported possible damage to an S-400 air defense system near Sevastopol, warning that this information needs confirmation.

According to the channel, the first explosions in Sevastopol were heard at 2:47. In Yevpatoriya, Saky, and Krasnoperekopsk, explosions were heard at 2:50. In the rest of the peninsula, people just heard all this.