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Explosions heard in Kharkiv and surrounding area

Explosions heard in Kharkiv and surrounding area A series of explosions rocked Kharkiv (photo: Getty Images)

In Kharkiv and its vicinity, several explosions were reported overnight on May 30 due to enemy shelling, according to Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov and the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Oleh Syniehubov.

The city was rocked by a series of explosions that occurred after two in the morning.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces stated that Russian forces were striking and called on residents of Kharkiv and the region to take cover!

"Kharkiv is very loud! Be careful!!" the city mayor wrote on his Telegram.

Military sources also mention a missile attack. The chief of the Kharkiv garrison, Brigadier General of Justice Serhiy Melnyk (General Marcel), reported on repeated launches of enemy missiles.

It should be noted that before these events, around 00:50, the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported enemy launches of guided aerial bombs on the Kharkiv region.

What is known about the shelling

Later, the head of the Malodanilivska community in the Kharkiv region, Oleksandr Hololobov, stated on his Telegram that the enemy was striking this community. According to him, at least four explosions were heard.

As the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration informed, the Russian army struck at least 5 times that night.

"Some of the strikes targeted settlements in the Kharkiv region," Syniehubov said.

Air attack on the night of May 30

Earlier, the Air Force reported the detection of Shahed drones, which the Russian forces launched at Ukraine on the night of May 30. The alarm was initially raised in the south of the country. Later, it became known about several groups of attack drones, and the air alarm spread to most of Ukraine.

It was also reported that air defense systems were operating in some regions. Additionally, explosions were reported in the vicinity of the city of Dnipro.