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Explosions heard in Belarus as Shaheds shot down in Gomel region

Explosions heard in Belarus as Shaheds shot down in Gomel region Photo: Iranian Shahed drone (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

On the night of September 5, Belarus intercepted Shahed drones over its territory. These drones, launched by Russia, were aimed at Ukraine, according to the Belarusian Hajun project.

Specifically, two kamikaze drones entered Belarus' Gomel region from Ukraine's Chernihiv region around 01:08 a.m. The drones were heading toward Gomel.

According to the Belarusian Hajun project, a fighter jet was scrambled from Baranovichi Airfield at approximately 01:30 a.m.

By 01:34 and 01:36 a.m., two explosions were heard in the Gomel district. Preliminary reports indicate that people have observed anti-drone activity in the sky over Belarus.

Later, at 02:13 a.m., the Belarusian Hajun project's Telegram channel published a video reportedly showing one of the downed Shahed drones burning and falling.

It is reported that at 02:20 a.m., a second Belarusian Air Force fighter jet departed from Baranovichi, heading southeast.

Russia attacks Ukraine with drones

On the night of September 4 to 5, Russia launched drone strikes against Ukraine. As of the publication of this news, air raid alerts have been declared in most regions of Ukraine.

Additionally, late at 11:05 p.m., the Ukrainian Air Force warned of the takeoff of two Tu-22 aircraft. The potential threat from these aircraft remains unknown at this time.