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Explosion and injures reported at defense company in Germany

Explosion and injures reported at defense company in Germany Illustrative image (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

An explosion has occurred at an explosives production facility in Troisdorf, Germany. Two employees were seriously injured, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger reports.

Rescue helicopters, law enforcement officers, and firefighters are already working at the scene.

The cause of the explosion is currently unknown.

According to preliminary information, the incident occurred on the territory of the defense company Diehl Defense, which, in turn, has two subsidiaries in Troisdorf:

  • Dynitec;
  • DynaEnergetics.

Diehl Defence

Diehl Defense is a German company specializing in the production of high-tech defense equipment. Founded in 1902, the company is part of the Diehl conglomerate, which covers various sectors, including defense, aviation, and technology. Diehl Defense develops and manufactures air defense systems, guided missiles, combat systems, and other high-tech solutions for defense and security.

The company is noted for its innovations in missile systems and missile defense technologies. One of its key products is the IRIS-T air defense system.

Recently, an explosion occurred at a chemical plant in Germany. At the same time, 14 people were injured.